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Re: vim & Python 3 (was Re: vim-khuno: live Python checking within vim via flakes (in testing))

Barry Warsaw <barry@debian.org> writes:

> Speaking of vim, some work needs to be done along the port-to-Python-3 path.
> I think vim still only builds against Python 2.  As part of this issue:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=729924
> I submitted a (probably out-of-date) patch to enable Python 3, but the Debian
> maintainer has some valid concerns.  I'm not a vim user so I really don't know
> how people expect vim+Python to work, and whether it's actually feasible to
> selectively enable Python 2 or Python 3 support.  Ideally (from a Python 3
> p.o.v.) it would be possible to ship vim and not require any Python 2 to be
> installed by default.
> If you're a vim and Python fan, please take a look at the above issue and any
> help you can provide to move this forward would be greatly appreciated.

According to the most recent comment, it is possible to compile in both
Python2 and Python3 at the same time - oh wait, that looks like it is
dynamic - he didn't address the maintainers concerns.

I don't understand the concerns with dynamic modules. I am sure they are
valid concerns, I just don't understand the issues.

So if we were to jump from static Python2 support to static Python3
support, what would break? How many Python plugins are there in Debian
that would break? How many outside Debian? Do plugins outside Debian
matter for us?

The maintainer, in January 2014, seems to think there are more plugins
targetting Python3 then Python2. Is this still the case?

My suspicion is that this is not going to change unless we force change
by breaking the Python2 plugins.
Brian May <brian@linuxpenguins.xyz>

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