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DPMT Membership request​ (was Packaging new version of ZODB (Zope Object Database))


Le 11/01/16 à 20:10, Julien Muchembled a écrit :
> I am co-maintaining the 'zodb' package and I am also an upstream developer.
>   http://www.zodb.org/ - a native object database for Python
> Debian currently packages branch 3.x of ZODB, which is getting quite old, with only support for Python 2. It's been a while that I am working locally in packaging a newer version, and I have almost finished.
> With branch 4.x, ZODB has been splitted into 4 packages (-> means Depends):
>  ZEO -> ZODB -> (Btrees, persistent)
> The split of persistent was already backported.
> And in addition to that:
> - new dependencies that are not packaged yet
> - some existing dependencies needs to be updated as well
> I write to debian-python, because some of the involved packages are not specific to Zope. Actually, I even think that ZODB itself is not specific to Zope, but well, changing section of existing packages can be another topic. I've just requested to join the Python Modules Packaging Team.

I see that many people request membership on the ML. I did it on the Alioth interface and it looks like my request was lost.

There's already this whole thread explaining what I'm doing.

My Alioth login is jmuchemb-guest.
I have read https://python-modules.alioth.debian.org/policy.html and accept it.


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