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Re: Updated PEP 394 (python and python2 commands)

On May 22, 2018 7:24:12 PM UTC, Thomas Goirand <zigo@debian.org> wrote:
>On 05/20/2018 11:49 PM, Thomas Goirand wrote:
>> On 05/17/2018 08:53 PM, Matthias Klose wrote:
>>> PEP 394 [1] saw an update in April 2018 [2], the diffs at [3].
>>> The most important change from my point of view is
>>> -* It is suggested that even distribution-specific packages follow
>>> -  ``python2``/``python3`` convention, even in code that is not
>intended to
>>> +* It is strongly encouraged that distribution-specific packages use
>>> +  or ``python3`` rather than ``python``, even in code that is not
>intended to
>>>    operate on other distributions.
>>> I don't think there is enough time to replace all python shebangs to
>python2 in
>>> time for the buster release, however there is no harm in starting
>this process
>>> now.  But I'd like to get this done for buster+1, in the case we
>still need to
>>> ship a Python2/2.7, so that buster+1 doesn't ship with a python
>command, but
>>> maybe with a python2 command.
>> I very much support this proposal, and don't understand why Scott and
>> Piotr aren't
>> (plus seemingly inventing things you haven't proposed).
>Let me rephrase these last bits between brackets, because it looks like
>some people understood this as accusations, which isn't the case. So,
>the (politically) correct wording would be:
>"I believe Scott and Pitor misunderstood the intial proposal, and
>extrapolated it to the point that they thought things that were not in
>the initial proposal were there."

More nonsense.  There's nothing pc about avoidance of false accusations.  I guess you calling me incompetent to read English is a step up from saying I am making stuff up to complain about it, but still it's not great.

What's wrong with just saying something like "I understood Matthias' proposal differently.  I don't think he intended that."?  There's no need to accuse anyone of anything.

The point he thought most important (use /usr/bin/python2) was already done.  A number of people have spoken up against the idea of adding new python2 binary packages.  Maybe I'm wrong and that was never intended.  If so, then great, we're done.

Scott K

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