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Re: Request to join the Python team


pá 25. 1. 2019 v 22:20 odesílatel Scott Kitterman <debian@kitterman.com> napsal:
I've added you to both DPMT and PAPT.  As discussed on IRC, I think PAPT is
the right answer for Tox.

thanks Scott.
> I'm actually a bit confused on where "tox" belongs -- Maintainer field
> seems to be set to PAPT, but in salsa it's under python-modules. It
> could be argued that it belongs in either, as it's a Python application
> used to develop and test other Python modules and applications... I
> actually don't really mind, but I would need access to both groups to be
> able to move it in Salsa.

python-team/applications = PATP.
> On that note... what is the Maintainer field supposed to be post-Alioth?
> For DPMT, I see some packages in the archive with
>   Debian Python Modules Team <team+python-modules@tracker.debian.org>
> but nothing similar for PAPT. PAPT's page on wiki seems outdated, as is
> policy.rst on that front.

current (and only) valid Maintainer/Uploaders field is:
Python Applications Packaging Team <python-apps-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>
team+python-modules@tracker.debian.org is wrong (even for DPMT).

> Finally, I've read python-modules policy.rst, and acknowledge that.
> That said, that policy dictates the use of git-dpm, but Ondřej Nový has
> already migrated tox to gbp, and I'd rather keep that change.

please use gbp for PAPT and DPMT. Policy is a bit outdated, sorry for this.

Thank you.

Best regards
 Ondřej Nový

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