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Re: PEP-517/PEP-518 Support In Debian

Hi Scott!

On Sun, Apr 12, 2020 at 06:31:57PM -0400, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> This being roughly the mid-point in the development cycle, I thought it might 
> be good to see where we are in terms of future Python packaging developments.
> As I understand it, PEP-517 and PEP-518 are 'the future'.
> I took a look at the presence of pyproject.toml files in the Debian archive.  
> There are currently 99 packages.  Of those, only 28 specify a 'build-backend', 
> which is required by 517/518 to be useful for building a package.
> 25 specify: build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" (including setuptools)
> 3 specify: build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi" (including flit)

pyqt5 and pyqt5webengine specify: build-backend = "sipbuild.api".

> If build-backend is not specified, the build system has to fall back to 
> setup.py.
> I've recently package flit (just arrived in Testing) and written a flit plugin 
> for pybuild that's pending review for merging[1].  I also packaged pep517 for 
> our pip package, so that's available to support future Debian tool development 
> in this area.
> For the moment, I guess we are in reasonable shape, but it might be useful to 
> have a pybuild plugin to use PEP517/setuptools.build_meta in lieu of setup.py 
> with setuptools/distutils when available.  In the future, this will be the 
> primary API and the sooner we start to use it, the better.

One issue that comes to mind: how will we specify the install location in a
way that will work with any backend? In other words, what is the replacement
for distutils' --install-layout=deb?

Dmitry Shachnev

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