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Re: Build and run-time triplets

On Thu, Jun 09, 2022 at 08:42:28AM +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > > I'd like to ask for some help.  I'm working on packaging pydevd, which
> > > builds a private .so library.  Ordinary extensions built using cython
> > > or similar end up being called "foo.cpython-310-x86_64-linux-gnu.so",
> > > but this library, which is not dependent on the Python version, should
> > > presumably be called "bar.x86_64-linux-gnu.so".
> > If it's just a private library and not a Python module it should be called
> > bar.so.
> > 
> > > Question 1: How do I determine (within Python) the triplet to use when
> > > building the library?
> > You don't.
> > 
> > > Question 2: How do I determine (within Python) the triplet to use when
> > > loading the library at runtime?
> > You don't, but also how are you actually loading it?
> Well, the upstream wanted to compile two versions of the library, one
> for 64 bit architectures and one for 32 bit architectures.  I don't
> really want to build two different arch libraries in a single build,
> because that seems very contrary to the way the Debian architectures
> work, and would also limit it to the amd64/i386 architectures for no
> obviously good reason.  I had imagined that if there is some sort of
> multiarch setup, one might have the amd64 and i386 packages installed
> simultaneously, hence the need for different names.
The normal way for this is putting it into
/usr/lib/<triplet>/pkgname/foo.so, and according to the code below you'll
need the full path at the run time so you indeed need the triplet at both
build and run time. You can get the triplet in d/rules, not sure how
should you pass it to the build system as that depends on the build system
used. For the run time, https://wiki.debian.org/Python/MultiArch suggests
sys.implementation._multiarch (note that you cannot use it during the
build as that would break cross-compilation etc.), not sure if there are
better ways. 


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