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Re: review for pipenv/2022.10.12-1

On Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:46:51 +0300
Ileana Dumitrescu <ileanadumitrescu95@gmail.com> wrote:

> > I did just notice the upstream release contains several other
> > files worth considering for removal: a bunch of windows
> > executables [1].  
> I agree and can remove those from the source tarball too. To do that
> with the current upstream version in salsa though requires me to git
> reset, re-import the 2022.10.25+ds upstream with updated
> Files-Excluded, then add back the other commits. I have done that
> locally but this requires a force push which is not allowed for the
> debian branch since it is protected.

You can avoid resetting or forcing anything by increasing the
repacksuffix. As far as both git and the tooling are concerned, that
makes it an all new upstream version without conflicts with the
repo's current content, so pushing to git works just fine.

First update the excluded files in d/copyright and commit that
change, then run with the usual 'gbp import-orig --pristine-tar
--uscan'. When gbp asks you for the upstream version, modify the +ds
part to +ds2 and proceed with that.

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