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Re: Python 3.11, bytecode and new internals

On Mon, Nov 21, 2022 at 12:03 PM Louis-Philippe Véronneau
<pollo@debian.org> wrote:
> On 2022-11-21 02 h 08, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> > I'm just flagging this up here, with a question about how we should
> > proceed.  Certainly we are not ready to make Python 3.11 the default
> > Python version!!
> This is a concern I share and I think I've been pretty vocal about it.
> I feel the state of python packages for Bookworm with 3.10 was pretty
> good and it seemed reasonable to prioritize stability for our next
> stable release :)
> It's very frustrating to work on packaging python libraries and apps for
> a whole release cycle, just to see all that work put in the bin at the
> last minute because upstream doesn't support 3.11...

this, 100 times

> I've been told the current 3.11 transition was a test, and if it was
> clear too many important things were broken and couldn't be fixed, we
> would roll back and release using 3.10.

why are we running a "test" this close to the release? *who* are we
running this test for? who made this decision (i figure RT gave the go
ahead, but still)? is there any searchable source for this claim?

Sandro "morph" Tosi
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