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Re: [backintime] I'll package the next release

Dear Carsten,

thanks for your reply.

Am 15.09.2023 11:19 schrieb Carsten Schoenert:
the DPT isn't the maintainer of this package, you are aware of this?

DPT = Debian Python Team ?

Yes I'm aware of this. But to my knowledge the list is not restricted to DPT package topics.

Do you have talked to the Maintainer and/or Uploader if they are
interested in help with any packaging work done by you?

The communication is not the most fluent. I'm not sure which kind of help he would accept. I'll see.

Not that you not can do this for yourself

I do.

if the Debian Maintainers refuse your packaging work to merge.

I expect that. :D


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