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Re: Transitionning to the lextudio pysnmp / pyasn1 ecosystem

On 9/15/23 09:38, Thomas Goirand wrote:

As you may know, the upstream author for pysnmp passed away last year. As a result, the whole suite was forked by "lextudio". I packaged it, and the result is this list of source packages:


Appart from the OpenStack packages, here's the list of reverse dependencies for the old python3-pysnmp4 binary package:

* patator
* pdudaemon
* pysmi
* snimpy
* changeme
* python3-snimpy
* python3-pysnmp4-apps
* python3-pysnmp4-mibs
* snmpsim

My plan is to file bugs against these packages, asking to transition to the newer packages. We're just below the threshold for asking debian-devel about mass bug-filling, so I figured out I would only send a mail to the Python list. Do you guys approve my plan? Should we make transition dummy packages?

Also to Adam Cécile: can you make your pull request against the new Salsa repository?


Regarding my lexstudio patch to fix double awaitable bug ?


Thomas Goirand (zigo)

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