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Bug#366184: libghc6-c2hs-dev: should pre-depend on ghc6

Op vr, 08-09-2006 te 16:31 -0700, schreef Andrew Pimlott:
> On Fri, Sep 08, 2006 at 05:05:11PM +0200, Arjan Oosting wrote:
> > Sorry for the long delay and thanks for the extra information, it has
> > been useful. 
> Thanks to you for coming back to this--I meant to and just haven't
> gotten around to it.
Well I procrastinating as it meant reading policy again and the package
was removed anyway. :-)

> > So because ghc6 is being upgraded /usr/bin/ghc-pkg is not available and
> > the prerm script of libghc6-c2hs-dev fails. This can be fixed by
> > calling /usr/lib/ghc-6.4.1/bin/ghc-pkg or calling /usr/bin/ghc-pkg6 in
> > the prerm script. 
> > 
> > So the bug has been found. As libghc6-c2hs-dev is not available in
> > unstable anymore I am closing this bug.
> Sounds good.  I assume that the same issue would arise for any Debian
> package containing a GHC package, right?  If so, I guess this should be
> advertised as the correct way to register/deregister GHC packages.
I have downloaded all the source packages which build ghc packages [1]
and looked at their postinst and prerm scripts and they are al doing
fine. Most use dh_haskell anyway which generates correct postinst and
prerm code as well.

Greetings Arjan Oosting

[1] for p in `grep-aptavail -P "libghc6-" -s Source | uniq -u | cut -f2 -d" "` ; do apt-get -t unstable source $p || true ; done

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