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Bug#391172: gnomermind: Help does not open help file.

On 9/21/07, Andreas Krüger <andreas.krueger@famsik.de> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hello, Chess,
> > I am working on becoming the maintainer of this package and if that
> > occurs, I might mark this bug as closed since it seems that it's not
> > really a gnomermind bug, but a libgnome32 bug, though my lack of C
> > skills could mean my investigation and conclusions are incorrect.  :-)
> Should a bug marked "closed" while the problem still persists?
> I think you might have a case to move the bug over to libgnome32.

Yes, I was actually thinking the same thing.  I'm just not entirely
sure of my analysis.  I'll keep digging and maybe ask on debian-devel
to get other opinions about moving this bug over to libgnome32.  As
far as I can tell from browsing the gnome.org ftp servers, the
gnome-libs source has not been updated since 2002, I believe, so I
doubt there will be much movement on an upstream patch.  Not too many
GTK1 apps anymore.  :-)

> Regards,
> and three cheers to you for volunteering to become a package maintainer!
> Andreas

Thanks, Andreas!


Chess Griffin
GPG Public Key:  0x0C7558C3

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