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gapcmon - volunteer to update the policy to have it available in wheezy


I was looking for info on getting gapcmon (ref:http://packages.debian.org/squeeze/amd64/gapcmon) moved into the wheezy repos, but have discovered that it doesn't have an official maintainer anymore.

Since the squeeze version still works perfectly in wheezy, if all it will take is to get the package into wheezy is this:  "The package should be updated to follow the last version of Debian Policy (Standards-Version 3.9.4 instead of 3.8.3
)' (ref: http://packages.qa.debian.org/g/gapcmon.html)

I will be willing to do that as I feel this package should not just be abandoned. Being new to Debian (after countless years with RHEL and even before that, Redhat and some older Fedora versions, and being an IT administrator for many years) I think I could change what needs to be changed easily enough if someone could tell me where to start on this project.

Thanks for any input and advice on this matter,

Best regards,

Alexander Hunt

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