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Bug#717438: pdnsd does no more work in combination with resolvconf

I need to edit the init script and resolvconf update script of the package pdnsd to allow a case insensitive match in sed regex (adding /i flag).

Changing this:

server=$(pdnsd-ctl status|sed -ne '/^Global:$/,/^Server.*:$/s/.*Server ip.*: \(.*\)$/\1/p')

to this

server=$(pdnsd-ctl status|sed -ne '/^Global:$/,/^Server.*:$/s/.*Server ip.*: \(.*\)$/\1/ip')

in both scripts, it now works fine.

This is because the way of pdnsd-ctl status reports server ip, now it do that with the word "ip" capitalized:

        Cache size: 2048 kB
        Server directory: /var/cache/pdnsd
        Scheme file (for Linux pcmcia support): /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme
        Server port: 53
        Server IP ( available one):

instead of:

        Cache size: 2048 kB
        Server directory: /var/cache/pdnsd
        Scheme file (for Linux pcmcia support): /var/lib/pcmcia/scheme
        Server port: 53
        Server ip ( available one):

I hope it actually helps.

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