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Re: changelogs.debian.net

On Mon, Jun 07, 2004 at 12:20:22AM +1000, Andrew Pollock wrote:

> Not sure if anyone else is going to find this of massive use, but I find I'm
> often looking at changelogs for packages that aren't necessarily installed
> locally, or I'm out and about and all I have is my email and a web browser,
> and I want to look at a package's changelog.
> I found it a bit tedious clicking through packages.debian.org/packagename,
> so I hacked up something to do it for me, and changelogs.debian.net was
> born...
> It works the same way as packages.debian.org does.

If this could be supported and kept up to date, apt-listchanges has been
wanting such a service for a long time.

 - mdz

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