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Re: instend to hijack sqlalchemy package

Jeroen van Wolffelaar wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 19, 2006 at 04:46:18PM +0200, Piotr Ozarowski wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm using python-sqlalchemy a lot and one of my packages (griffith) will
>> depend on it soon. Sqlalchemy is under heavily development (there are 6
>> new upstream releases since last upload on 2006-04-02).
>> I tried to contact Tommi Virtanen (sqlalchemy's maintainer) since first
>> may 2006 with no result, I have also reported a bug against sqlalchemy
>> with proposition to take over (#369371). As far as I can tell (I'm
>> not a DD), Tommi is on a vacations. His packages has 2 RC bugs and in one
>> of them you can find his last words (#356394)
>> What I intend to do:
>> * upload (NMU) 0.1.4-1.1 (new python policy update)
>> * wait for Tommi's approval and upload (another NMU) 0.2.2-0.1
>> * if I will get permission, adopt sqlalchemy and maintain it as a part of
>>   Debian Python Modules Team (I'm DPMT member)
> If you only adopt if you have permission (which you seem to imply here),
> this is not a hijack, and hence not controversial at all. It's only a
> hijack if you change maintainer without any permission from the previous
> maintainer -- for now, I'd suggest to indeed NMU and keep your offer to
> adopt open and wait and see.

I think it's worth to point out that the maintainer has 2 RC bugs[0] reported
against packages that he's maintaining (not python-sqlalchemy) and are more than
90 days old.

I don't know when and if he entered vacation really, but if nobody NMU some others
packages, the RC bug list will raise to 10 after python 2.4 transition. Probably,
it isn't gonna happen, because Debian Python Modules Team is already sending patches
or NMUing packages[1].

Btw, it seems that Piotr meant "if tommi don't reply in a reasonable time is it
ok to hijack and not adopt the package?".

[0] = http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?maint=tv@debian.org
[1] = http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/06/msg00008.html

Gustavo Franco - <stratus@debian.org>

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