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Re: Should I report a failure to boot?

Michael Burschik wrote:
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
Michael Burschik wrote:

Thanks for your offer, but I think my problem is different. The grub
configuration is correct,

If it mentions "root=/dev/hdbX" or "root=/dev/hdfX", it is incorrect.

Thanks for your reply. If this is deprecated, then it is a grub/update-grub bug, since I did not put these entries there myself.

The installer put them there in the first place.

However, how am I supposed to know that hdb or hdf are not disk names that have been fixed by udev?

Choose any of the following answers:

1) You are supposed to be subscribed to linux-hotplug-devel and follow the development. 2) You are supposed to know this from manuals, as you do with any other tech news - but no such manuals exist now. 3) You are not supposed to know this, the installer should do the right thing.

Yes, but this does not really explain why my cdrom is always hda and my hard disk, which is on the same controller, is sometimes hdb and sometimes hdf.

Hm. I think that, for debugging, you should do this as root:

cp -r /sys /tmp/sys 2>/dev/null
tar -C /tmp -zcf sys.tar.gz sys

and mail two sys.tar.gz files (one with hdb and one with hdf) to the bug (and to me personally, since I am also interested, but I do not work for Debian).

For now, you have to edit menu.lst manually so that it mentions stable names. Only after that, update-grub will do the right thing.

Alexander E. Patrakov

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