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Bug#775180: analysis

I had a quick look at what work would be involved to implement this, it
doesn't actually appear to be a big task but it would be helpful to get
some comment from people already familiar with the UDD strategy

If my proposed solution seems reasonable I'll go ahead and code it:

a) make a new class based on feed.rb:
    Maybe call it cal.rb
    It could use the vpim[1] package to generate VTODO task items
    Initially this could be quite simple, without even setting the
priority of each task

b) add the option 'ics' to the render method in Page:
     It should use the class from step (a), otherwise working like the
rss option

c) add the option iCalendar (value='ics') to the list of options in the
Format selection HTML:

1. http://packages.debian.org/vpim

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