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Bug#1059892: qa.debian.org: uscan version too old and not using recent @ANY_VERSION@ expansion


Some more info in this IRC discussion

09:15 < adsb> without having checked the specifics, the likely answer is "get a newer devscripts into bullseye-backports", I suspect
09:46 < manphiz> adsb: I see.  Would be great to upgrade the server to Bookworm to get more newer tools, but I guess that probably requires more work.
09:47 < doge-tech> manphiz: Yep, I was just taking a look at that but as a minimum it would require upgrading from postgresql 13 to 16. I may take 
                   another look when I've got a bit more time, unless lucas already has.
09:47 < doge-tech> Backporting devscripts will be easier and quicker, for sure
09:48 < adsb> well lucas also can't actually do the upgrade :)
09:49 < adsb> but yes, with the DSA hat on installing a single package backport is a thing we can easily do. upgrades are still a little less so sadly
09:49 < manphiz> ah db upgrade...
09:52 < doge-tech> Looks like there's already an updated devscripts in bullseye-backports-sloppy
09:54 < adsb> presumably from testing
09:54 < adsb> if bookworm's version is sufficient, then that could go to bullseye-backports, afair the policies
09:55 < adsb> and ullmann (udd.d.o) will already be configured to support that
09:55 < adsb> -sloppy less so
09:57 < doge-tech> bookworm has 2.23.4, which includes the "v?" check but not the "[Vv]?". Still a worthwhile improvement, IMO.
09:58 < adsb> if people care that much then maybe udd actually wants to run a local uscan copy. but I'm not a service admin, just a machine one
09:58 < adsb> (there are reasons not to do that as well of course)
10:00 < doge-tech> Not a bad idea. UDD could pull the latest uscan from the devscripts repo and use that instead. I'm not an anything admin though 
                   (just a guy who's interested), so I'm always happy to be shot down. :)
10:02 < doge-tech> There would be a risk to the stability of UDD in doing that, of course
10:06 < adsb> well, it's work for lucas, so he might not want to :)


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