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Bug#673268: libqtwebkit4: utterly incorrect debian/copyright

On Tue 10 Jul 2012 13:10:09 Elena ``of Valhalla'' escribió:
> I'm converting to machine readable debian/copyright because otherwise
> I didn't see any sensible way to keep track of the different licenses /
> copyright owners.
> Attached is a very partial debian/copyright file, up to
> Source/JavaScriptCore (plus Tools and WebKitLibraries);
> any comment on the format before I continue?

Hi Elena! First of all, my sincere apologies for replying so late, we lack 
lots of manpower nowadays (even more than usual, maybe).

Non the less, I wanted to thank you in the name of the team for your 
contribution, it's very appreciated.

Tobias' comment is quite right, you can group files if they copyrights are the 

On the other hand, licenses like bsd goes like BSD-2-clause, not BSD-2-
<vendor>. Then "Author" in the license becomes the one in the copyright. So 
for example wscript's license field becomes BSD-2-clause.

WRT WebKitSystemInterface.h, we might need to check where it comes from 
exactly, but AFAIU, all webkit is under a DFSG-license.

Kinds regards, Lisandro.

porque no respeta el orden natural en el que se leen las cosas
>¿por qué top-posting es tan molesto?
>>>¿cuál es la peor molestia en los emails de respuesta?

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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