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Bug#710773: qtchooser: New error/warning when using Qt and cmake: qmake: could not find a Qt installation of ''

On Sunday 02 June 2013 16:12:39 Ralf Jung wrote:
> > Hi Ralf! Are you running this inside a KDE session?
> No, I logged in to that machine via SSH. Actually, KDE has never been
> started since I did the upgrade which pulled all the new Qt stuff in,
> as I typically do not have a monitor connected to the machine.

Can you please paste the output of your $PATH on that machine?

Trabaja como si no necesitaras el dinero.
Ama como si nunca hubieses sido herido.
Baila como si nadie estuviera mirando.
Canta como si nadie escuchara.
Vive como si fuera el Cielo en la Tierra.

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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