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Re: draft packaging of calligra 2.9.5

Hi Adrien,

On Wed, 10 Jun 2015 17:38:06 Adrien Grellier wrote:
> I have spend some times on this copyright, so I just want to answer : I
> know, the copyright is rubbish, but if you have any better idea, please let
> us know…
> Personnally, I don't want to maintain the copyright manually : there is way
> to much files in calligra! That's why I choose a semi-automatic way of
> updating the copyright. I think it's better than nothing.

It is not about what you or me wants or "don't want" to do. Debian package has 
to have an accurate copyright file -- it is a requirement. Ftp-masters will 
laugh if I try to upload a package with copyright as inaccurate as calligra's 
and what will be my excuse? "I didn't want to do it, there are too many 

Yes it may be hard to review manually but I don't know the better way.
But I do know that it is wrong to manage copyright information with 
"licensecheck" only. I think incorrect copyright is worse than nothing because 
it is misleading if one can't trust information in it...

> Again, If you find a good, simple, sane way to maintain the copyright, I
> really am interested :-)

And if my way is not good enough or not simple would you be interested to do 
maintainer's duties as required? I guess this is a rhetorical question but I 
just want to stress it again that we have to document licenses properly. 
Nobody likes to do it but it is necessary and we have to comply.

There are some tricks that I've used to review package with ~15_000 files. I 
used `mc` to search for known unique string in the license and then 
"panelized" found files. Then I used "quick view" to scan through found files 
to identify anomalies. Then I removed those files and worked through next 
license in the remaining files. It did not take long to properly document the 
whole tree.

For every upstream release I only needed to review diffs between last and the 
new upstream releases. Diffs may be big but we only need to check files' 
headers for differences and update copyright years accordingly. As long as we 
have accurate copyright file for current release it is not too hard to keep it 
up to date by refreshing it every time when new upstream version is packaged.

I hope to allocate some time to work on calligra's copyright in the upcoming 
weeks. I am also looking forward lo learn how to review copyrights better, 
faster, simpler and easier. :)

I know how hard it is to compile copyright file for the first time but I hope 
that we can make this work done.

 Dmitry Smirnov


Do your duty as you see it, and damn the consequences.
        -- George S. Patton

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