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Bug#784432: FTBS when build under /usr

On Tuesday 16 June 2015 09:08:58 Sjoerd Simons wrote:
> > But even there there is not much gain with this fix: we are retiring
> > this
> > source package in stretch [0].
> > 
> > Do you have a very good reason to fix this considering the above?
> We do small debian derivaties/rebuilds for some customers, this issue
> breaks us rebuilding Jessie every time (iotw we have to patch it to
> build jessie fully from source) (and rebuilding stretch as long as the
> source pacakge sticks around). So it would be great to see it fixed.

I'm sorry but I don't think this is worth the effort, specially when we are 
retiring the package.

You might want to consider building in another place or have a small delta for 
your version.

Kinds regards, lisandro.

Antiguo proverbio de El Machi: "Dado el apropiado grado de profundidad, la
ineptitud es indistinguible del sabotaje"

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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