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Bug#790080: EGL, Qt and xvfb

On Monday 06 July 2015 11:32:54 Edmund Grimley Evans wrote:
> > Ideally we should tests the tests on an arm* machine running X11 and see
> > what happens there (and that means not calling xvfb too).
> Do you mean running an X server? Why would that be necessary? Could
> the test be making use of an X server other than in the usual way,
> through DISPLAY?
> It is possible to run the test which is failing on arm* like this on amd64:
> cd obj-*/autotests
> DISPLAY=<host-running-vncserver>:1 ./kcolumnresizertest
> Same thing doesn't work on arm64.
> (The vncserver had "xhost +". Other tests in the same directory worked
> on both systems when run like that. There were lots of differences
> between the two systems besides the architecture, but both were Debian
> unstable chroots.)

No, I mean running an Xserver and using a VGA/HDMI connected monitor/screen to 
check it.

AFAIU (and I would *love* to be probed wrong here) the difference is at the 
GPU. If one uses xvfb/vnc the GPU doesn't gets involved and the OpenGL stuff 
is done trough software.

Now if the output is trough the GPU (hdmi/vga/whatever) then the hardware is 
what it will get used.

My idea is to know if the tests keep failing in that case or not. If they are 
then we have a bigger issue, if they don't, we can simply say we can't run the 
tests in the normal way.

Thanks for trying non the less :)

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  Dennis Ritchie

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