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Bug#792629: dolphin: Cannot hide items in resource panel

This is my first message, so I'm sorry if I'm making mistakes.

Some time ago I reported this bug into the KDE Bugtracking System: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=350294

I want to write also here what I wrote in the KDE Bugtracking System in order to add some information to this Debian bug.

Whenever in the Places panel I try to edit one of the bookmarks saved in "~/.kde/share/apps/kfileplaces/bookmarks.xml", all of them disappear, and only the bookmarks saved in "~/.local/share/user-places.xbel" are shown. For "edit one of the bookmarks" I mean for example:
- moving one of them (changing the order);
- hiding one of them;
- adding a folder through drag and drop.

After closing and opening Dolphin, the Places panel appears again (both the bookmarks in bookmarks.xml and user-places.xbel are shown), but my edit has not been applied:
- if I moved a bookmark, it comes back to the original position;
- if I hid a bookmark, it appears again;
- if I added a folder though drag and drop, it always appears on the top of the list whatever position I chose.

Moreover, in "bookmarks.xml" entries are duplicated. If I open the file dialog (for example, in Kate I click "File" > "Open..."), the entries on the left are messed up.

This is my "bookmarks.xml" file after I tried to hide "Home":

If I edit again bookmarks, they disappear again and "bookmarks.xml" gets even more duplicated:

Deleting the "bookmarks.xml" file doesn't help.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Edit a bookmark in the Places panel (for example right click "Home" and click "Hide «Home»").
2. Close Dolphin (so that "bookmarks.xml" is saved).
3. Open the file dialog (for example open "Kate" and go in "File" > "Open...").

Actual Results:
On step 1: bookmarks in "bookmarks.xml" disappear, only bookmarks in "user-places.xbel" stay visible (or all bookmarks disappear if "user-places.xbel" is empty).
On step 3: some bookmarks on the left are duplicated.

Expected Results:
On step 1: bookmarks should be updated accordingly (in the example, only "Home" should disappear).
On step 3: bookmarks should not be duplicated.

I'm using KDE version 4.14.2 and Dolphin version 15.04.0 ("dolphin" package version 4:15.04.3-1 from Debian testing).

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