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Bug#796956: Note that this is a docked laptop using external monitor

On 09/16/2015 03:08 PM, Maximiliano Curia wrote:
Control: severity -1 important

On 08/09/15 10:04, eric2.valette@orange.com wrote:
I now have half a dozen boxes that works correctly and this is the only one
that is a docked laptop using an external monitor with internal LVDS display
off. So far as I had multiple temporary breakage on various boxes due to
partial/incompatible packages versions uploads, I did not consider it was a
specific case but now only this docked laptop remains broken.
Ok, that sounds more like another issue. This seems to be another effect of a
problem in qt5.4 regarding QScreen returning null in unexpected places. And is
currently known to reproducibly fail on machines with one display off, for
instance, closing the lid in a laptop that has an external monitor connected.
This is supposedly fixed in qt5.5, currently in experimental.

Do you know if installing qt5.5 from experimental will break many other things badly? It did break breeze in the past if partially installed (some qt5.5 packages were installing themselves via experimental upgrade even if core qt5.5 was not there

Konsole outpu).<br> <br> <br> -- eric

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