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Bug#834151: kmail process remains polling

In data venerdì 12 agosto 2016 18:47:08 CEST, Maximiliano Curia ha scritto:
> Control: tag -1 + unreproducible moreinfo
> ¡Hola Francesco!
> El 2016-08-12 a las 16:58 +0200, Francesco escribió:
> > Package: kmail
> > Version: 4:16.04.3-1
> > Severity: important
> > 
> >  Closing kmail don't affect the process itself, it remains in background.
> >  At a second> 
> > start kmail window won't show. I investigated a little bit and I found
> > older process, I did a kill and then the program started correctly.
> > 
> >  Using strace to show what's happening once closed it reports always
> >  polling, till> 
> > one doesn't exit with ctrl+c
> > 
> >  If it can be useful I ran a debug session with valgrind and I'll attach
> >  here, it seems> 
> > there are problems in the use of memory but I think it needs further
> > analysis.
> I can't reproduce the issue, let's check the easy parts first:
> Do you have the system tray icon enabled? (Settings -> Configure Kmail ->
> Apperance -> System Tray). When enabled kmail won't exit when the window is
> closed, but remain running as a system tray icon, which might be hidden if
> there if you have no new mail. To close it, you'll need to use File -> Quit.

  It was disabled; there was only "show unread messages in systray" checked, I 
unchecked it for a try and nothing changed.

> Even if you don't have the system tray icon enabled, could you please check
> if this is reproducible for you when you use File -> Quit?

  Didn't work. Even enabling in systray and having right mouse click and exit 
removes kmail from systray but leaves the process still present.
  If needed I can do some debug, since for me it happens on every run

Non pretendo che comprendiate il significato di quello che ho scritto senza 
averlo riletto un certo numero di volte. Personalmente, vi riterrei degli 
stupidi se lo faceste. Io l'ho letto sei volte ed ancora non l'ho capito.

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