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Re: Skrooge package


In data lunedì 10 ottobre 2016 22:58:22 CEST, Stephane MANKOWSKI ha scritto:
> I'm the main developer of Skrooge (an application in KDE extragear).
> The version of Skrooge packaged for Debian is the version 1.9.3
> (released in April 2014).:-(

That's the version available in Debian Jessie, that is the current
stable version. What is in stable cannot be updated usually, unless
for very important reasons. Considering that newer versions of skrooge
are based on KDE Frameworks, which do not exist in stable, that makes
an update of stable a no-go option.

> This is a very old version based on Qt4/KDE4.
> The last release is the version 2.5.0 based on Qt5/KF5.

OTOH, currently there is 2.4.0 in Debian testing & unstable, see:

> Because, I'm on Kubuntu (Sorry for that!), I made a ppa
> (https://launchpad.net/~s-mankowski/+archive/ubuntu/ppa-kf5) to provide
> the last version of Skrooge as soon as possible.

Ubuntu PPAs are useless for Debian. While I have nothing against your
work, and I can perfectly understand you want the latest versions for
your users, at least a quick glance at that packaging gives me so many
wrong details and bits that I'd recommend users to not use it at all.

Pino Toscano

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