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Re: Bug#XXXX: Updating the $pkg Uploaders list

¡Hola Tobias!

El 2017-10-31 a las 08:56 +0100, Maximiliano Curia escribió:
Let me start by thanking you for your MIA work, it's tiring and thankless job. So, thanks for doing it.

You filed over a hundred bugs to the kde team, all stating that some contributors should be removed from the uploaders list. Given the amount of packages that the KDE team maintains it would have been better to send a single mail to the kde team listing the affected packages, and then any contributor could have made the change in all packages at the same time. Now we need to close the bugs one by one.

I've updated in git all the packages that are still relevant (some packages are going to get removed "soon"). These are the packages and bugs that I didn't touch:

#879289 akonadi4
#879292 automoc
#879327 kdepim4
#879328 kdepimlibs
#879391 libkmahjongg
#879393 libkdegames-kde4
#879426 qt-assistant-compat
#838076 kchmviewer
#879298 digikam
#879301 icecc-monitor
#879302 gtk2-engines-oxygen
#879303 icecc
#879306 k3b
#879353 kmplayer
#879354 kmymoney
#879359 komparator
#879361 krename
#879364 kphotoalbum
#879371 kscope
#879402 kvpnc
#879432 rsibreak
#879433 skrooge
#879434 smb4k

Many of them are in svn and the others are no longer relevant to us.

Happy hacking,
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce
bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."
-- Rich Cook
Saludos /\/\ /\ >< `/

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