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Bug#860778: okular often fails to open via symlinks, manage symlink

Today I found this link, having experienced a similar error.
I had made a symlink in my directory ~/dl/pdf to the directory
( ln -s ~/ofdocs/pdf/6813.pdf ~/dl/pdf/6813.pdf)
trying to execute "okular ~/dl/pdf/6813 would end with an error:
"Could not open file:///home/julien/dl/pdf/6813.pdf"
I read people experienced problems with symlinks containing ".." or "~",
and removed the symlink. Then I recreated the symlink by specifying the
full filename.  I did the following:
cd ~/dl
ln -s /home/julien/ofdocs/pdf/6813.pdf 6813.pdf
This link is accepted by okular. Even from a different directory (eg ~/tmp) reading the symlink works fine. So, if you want to read a symlinked file with okular: make sure the symlink contains the full
filename, without characters like ~ or .. in it.
That's my experience.
Julien Michielsen
Julien J.M. Michielsen

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