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Re: [pkg-apparmor] PostgreSQL AppArmor profiles


Christian is trying to replace the Akonadi internal postgres service with a 
system wide service. Is that correct?
(This in itself is not really supported by Akonadi; normally Akonadi is taking 
care about starting and stopping the database itself). So what is the 
advantage of starting/stopping postgres outside of Akonadi?

> > BEFORE: profile postgresql_akonadi {
> > AFTER: profile postgresql_akonadi flags=(attach_disconnected) {
> Right, the   flags=(attach_disconnected)   addition is the correct fix.

What does this flag do? Does this mean, that every postgres service I start 
will be run under this profile? Or can AppArmour distinguish between the system 
wide postgresql@12-main.service and the akonadi one (akonadi-dileks)? Because 
keep in mind the profile postgresql_akonadi should only be added to this 
instance that is connected to akonadi and not the other postgres clusters. The 
idea of the profiles is that the non Akonadi instances of postgres and mysql 
don't get any akonadi profile attached. 


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