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Bug#990637: Why do marble have several .desktop files?

On Saturday, July 3, 2021 1:53:53 PM CEST Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Package: marble
> Version: 4:17.08.3-3.2
> I just noticed the .desktop files in marble confuses the script used to
> generate <URL: https://wiki.debian.org/MimeTypesSupport/PackageList >
> because it contain 9 .desktop files:

Let's start by ignoring the ones placed in KService dir. They are for plugins 
for the KService library.

> % dpkg -L marble|grep desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_geo.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_gpx.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_kml.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_kmz.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_shp.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/marble_worldwind.desktop
> /usr/share/applications/org.kde.marble.desktop

> Is there a good reason for all these desktop files.  At elast some of
> them seem redundant:
>   MimeType=application/x-gpx+xml;application/x-esri-shape;

If I understand it correctly, it being marble and the desktop spec, all of the 
extra mime types are supported by marble thru optional plugins; optional 
plugins that distributions might want to carry in different binary packages, or 
maybe even not carry at all, and only if the the plugin for application/x-
esri-shape is installed, marble support this mimetype.

For plugin-based software, this is makes sense.

Also e.g. okular uses the same approach. Here is the Debian package split into 
two packages with the lesser used packages with heavy dependencies resides.

I hope this is sufficient response to "is there a good reason", and I think the 
script you use should be adapted to work with this pattern.

Kind regards
I didn’t stop pretending when I became an adult, it’s just that when I was a 
kid I was pretending that I fit into the rules and structures of this world. 
And now that I’m an adult, I pretend that those rules and structures exist.
   - zefrank

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