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Bug#1040083: qtwebengine-opensource-src: deprecation of Python libraries asyncore and asynchat

It looks like this is because asyncore is used in


The readme file at src/3rdparty/chromium/third_party/tlslite/README states:

"10 Using TLS Lite with asyncore
TLS Lite can be used with subclasses of asyncore.dispatcher.  See the comments
in TLSAsyncDispatcherMixIn.py for details.  This is still experimental, and
may not work with all asyncore.dispatcher subclasses.”

It appears that TLS lite has been removed in qt6-webengine.  It is unclear to 
me how much it was ever used in qtwebengine-opensource-src.

tlsasyncdispatchermixin.py appears to only be used as for testing purposes by 
this one file:


Should we just try to remove it from the build and see if everything works 
without it?

Soren Stoutner

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