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Bug#1033462: kmail: Kmail fails to send emails via Google mail with "Failed to authenticate additional scopes"


I upgraded yesterday my machine from bookworm/stable to trixie/testing.

KMail was used to check if I can send emails - this seems no more to work.

Seeing the same issue like Ariel Garcia in #1033462 (sorry partly in German):

We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"
[SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID!
[SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token!
[SASL-XOAUTH2] - filling prompts!
[SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting authID!
[SASL-XOAUTH2] - Requesting token!
org.kde.kgapi: Bad request, Google replied ' "{\n  \"error\":
\"invalid_grant\",\n  \"error_description\": \"Bad Request\"\n}" '
org.kde.pim.mailtransport.smtpplugin: Error obtaining XOAUTH2 token:
"Authentifizierung zusätzlicher Bereiche ist fehlgeschlagen"
org.kde.pim.ksmtp: SMTP Socket error:
QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError "Der entfernte Rechner hat die
Verbindung geschlossen"


org.kde.pim.mailtransport.smtpplugin: Error obtaining XOAUTH2 token: "Failed to
authenticate additional scopes"
org.kde.pim.ksmtp: SMTP Socket error: QAbstractSocket::RemoteHostClosedError
"The remote host closed the connection"

When NO password (token) is set I see:
We have an error during reading password  "Entry not found"


[ kmail - SMTP ]

User: sedat.dilek@gmail.com

Encryption-1: STARTTLS
Port-1: 587
Authentication-1: XOAUTH2


Encryption-2: SSL/TLS
Port-2: 465
Authentication-2: XOAUTH2

NOTE: On Gmail side nothing was changed - I can send patches via git
send-email but not KMail.

I use postgresql backend and can connect to the database and its tables.

[ ~/.config/akonadi/akonadiserverrc ]



- EOF -

Deleting all files in ~/.config/akonadi/ but keeping akonadiserverrc
plus deleting directory ~/.local/share/akonadi after stopping akonadi
did not help.

In May 2023 was my last working sent-email - I kept all test-emails
and are stored in sent-mail:

[ ~/.local/share/local-mail/sent-mail/new/1683526703181.R196.iniza26703181.R196.iniza

From: dileks <sedat.dilek@gmail.com>
To: sedat.dilek@gmail.com
Subject: KMail - Test 08-May-2023
Date: Mon, 08 May 2023 08:18:22 +0200
Message-ID: <2687898.mvXUDI8C0e@iniza>
X-KMail-Identity: 1886993645
X-KMail-Transport: 1190029663
X-KMail-Fcc: 20
X-KMail-Identity-Name: dileks
X-KMail-Transport-Name: dileks@gmail
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

KMail - Test 08-May-2023
- EOF -

Not sure where to dig into the woods.

Any help is much appreciated.


Best regards,

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