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Re: Where can we find the source code for scatterD3.js


This would be really appreciated.

So I just tested on clean docker images of debian stable and unstable. All was working fine on debian stable, but I got an error on unstable (a different one than yours, though). I updated the webpack and webpack-cli dependencies to the latest versions, it solved the problem, and I think it should fix your issue too.

So what I would advise is :

- if possible, remove the webpack and node-webpack-merge debian packages to avoid version conflicts.

- to install packer, you will also need the libcurl4-openssl-dev and libxml2-dev debian packages.

Then run the following (please clone the github repository again, or pull the latest version) :

$ git clone https://github.com/juba/scatterD3
$ cd scatterD3
$ npm install --production=false
$ LC_ALL=C R --no-save <<EOT
> install.packages("packer")
> packer::bundle_prod()

And I think it should work (at least I really hope so).

Thanks again for your work and sorry for the wasted time on this.


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