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Re: Bug#1070009: r-cran-data.table: Update to current upstream

The file 'issue_563_fread.txt' appears to be an input to data.table::fread()
for a test on encodings, glancing at the context.

I can run 'R CMD check --as-cran data.table_1.15.4.tar.gz' just fine [1] here
without any failing tests (and I have no locale or anything set). It's not my
package but if I were you the natural step would be a combination of pausing
the offending tests and filing an upstream issue notifying upstream that you
had to do so. It is now a pretty active team so you may get some help from them.


[1] I also have a local R env.vars set to report timing issues at lower thresholds
than CRAN itself (to be aware for the packages I (co-)author so I get a bit
more line noise:

## ... earlier lines omitted, this is on x86_64 with Ubuntu 23.10
* checking tests ...
  Running ‘autoprint.R’
Running R code in ‘autoprint.R’ had CPU time 4.2 times elapsed time
  Comparing ‘autoprint.Rout’ to ‘autoprint.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘froll.R’ [9s/9s]
  Running ‘knitr.R’
Running R code in ‘knitr.R’ had CPU time 3.7 times elapsed time
  Comparing ‘knitr.Rout’ to ‘knitr.Rout.save’ ... OK
  Running ‘main.R’ [30s/25s]
  Running ‘nafill.R’
Running R code in ‘nafill.R’ had CPU time 3.2 times elapsed time
  Running ‘other.R’
  Running ‘programming.R’
Running R code in ‘programming.R’ had CPU time 2.5 times elapsed time
  Running ‘types.R’
Running R code in ‘types.R’ had CPU time 4.4 times elapsed time
 [47s/35s] NOTE
* checking for unstated dependencies in vignettes ... OK
* checking package vignettes ... OK
* checking re-building of vignette outputs ... [76s/20s] OK
* checking PDF version of manual ... [5s/4s] OK
* checking HTML version of manual ... [2s/2s] OK
* checking for non-standard things in the check directory ... OK
* checking for detritus in the temp directory ... OK

Status: 1 NOTE
for details.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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