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Re: Please hint mozilla-firefox

Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Mike Hommey (mh@glandium.org) [041116 12:00]:
> > Please hint mozilla-firefox for migration, so that locale packages which
> > depend on older versions don't block it.
> The two issues with firefox are:
> - out of date on sparc. We won't hint for that issue, but you need to
>   wait till the build is done

Didn't Mike say a couple of mails before that JoshK built the package on
sparc?  It's probably in Incoming right now.  At least I'd expect the
packages tehre...

> - some old locale packages depend on the old version. I hinted for
>   removal of them, so that firefox will go in after it has sucessfully
>   built on all architectures.

I guess that's what Mike wanted to achieve anyway.



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