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Re: New Postgresql problems

Martin Pitt wrote:
> I just uploaded 7.4.7-6 into Sid with urgency=high. I tested the debs
> on my server which runs Sarge, they install fine and both the upgrade
> and a fresh installation do not have the vulnerabilities any more. The
> only difference between Sarge and Sid is now the security fix. For
> your interest, here is the changeset:
>  http://arch.piware.de/cgi-bin/archzoom.cgi/pkg-postgresql-private@lists.alioth.debian.org--2005/postgresql--devel--1--patch-41?log
> Joey, Debian Release Team: Please let me know whether you can push the
> Sid version into Sarge, or you prefer a separate testing-security
> upload (which would differ only by the changelog version, though).

Cool!  Thanks.



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