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Re: bits from bts.turmzimmer.net

* Andreas Barth [Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:50:12 +0200]:

> there has been a change that affects the number of visible bugs:
> We treat version tracking correctly now, and ignore the done-status on
> bugs that have version tracking used in a close message.

Cool, thanks.

> For this reason, if you do bug tracking, the bugs marked with a small t
> on the right only affect testing, and usually only require attention
> if testing propagation fails for some reason.

With this, I took a look at what each option under "show bugs by
distribution" gives you:

  - dist="both" gives you the set of RC bugs affecting testing that lack
    a fix in unstable; IMHO, this is what people most people will want.

  - dist="etch" gives you the same as "both", plus the RC bugs fixed in
    unstable, but still not transitioned to testing.

  - dist="sid" gives you the same as "both", plus the RC bugs that do
    not apply to etch, e.g. a FTBFS in a newer version. (Which does
    _not_ mean that fixing them does not improve the quality of testing,
    of course; e.g., the FTBFS can be a new upstream version that fixes
    10 severity:important bugs.)

  - dist="any" gives you the three of the above combined.

Now, I have a couple "IMHO suggestions", let's hear what you think; I'm
not that sure about the first one, but here it goes anyway:

  - make the default dist be "both" instead of "any", so that what
    people get by default is the list of bugs that must be dealt with
    before we can release.

  - make "etch" and "sid" exclusive, as in, list bugs present _only_ in
    that distribution. For etch, this means the list of untransitioned
    bugs, which can be interesting for people caring about migration
    (e.g., looking at buildd logs, providing hints, etc.). And for sid,
    those not-a-must bugs, but that are probably more approachable,
    since not everybody has had their eyes on them for months.
    [And maybe make the checkbox read "etch only" and "sid only".]


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
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