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Re: binNMUs for metacity

* Josselin Mouette [Sun, 08 Mar 2009 03:57:43 +0100]:

> Hi,

> it looks like metacity took much less time to get out of NEW than what I
> expected. I hope it doesn’t stomp on other transitions.

> The following packages need to be rebuilt:
>         nmu compiz_0.7.6-7 . ALL . -m 'Rebuild against
>         libmetacity-private0'
>         dw compiz_0.7.6-7 . ALL . -m 'libmetacity-private0'
>         nmu control-center_1: . ALL . -m 'Rebuild against libmetacity-private0'
>         dw control-center_1: . ALL . -m 'libmetacity-private0'
>         nmu gnome-python-desktop_2.22.0-2 . ALL . -m 'Rebuild against libmetacity-private0'
>         dw gnome-python-desktop_2.22.0-2 . ALL . -m 'libmetacity-private0'

Scheduled, minus gnome-python-desktop as indicated on IRC.

Also, when asking for transition binNMUs, it is in general not necessary
to follow this syntax, nor to give a list of packages. Just saying
"please schedule binNMUs for this SONAME bump" is enough. I've updated
the wanna-build.txt file to mention this.

> I don’t get why monodevelop depends on libmetacity0 as well, so in any
> case it looks there is something to fix in here.

Ah, I see you CC'ed Mirco already, excellent.

> I was also going to ask for binNMUs for the poppler transition, but it
> seems like they are already building, so thanks for the responsiveness.


Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
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                -- Brian W. Kernighan

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