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Re: libbio-samtools-perl migrated in testing despite build-dependancy libbam-dev is not available there.

Charles Plessy wrote:
> Dear release team

Hi Charles

> I just realised that libbio-samtools-perl migrated in testing despite that its
> build-dependancy libbam-dev is not available there.

britney does not check for build dependencies currently, we are
considering doing that at some point though.

> libbam-dev contains a static library built with -fPIC, and since some people
> raised concerns about security on -devel, that were not contradicted by the
> release or security teams, I opened a RC bug against it to prevent its
> migration to testing. I wonder if I overreacted.
> I hesitate between two possibilities:
>  - libbio-samtools-perl could be removed from Testing and I could open a dummy
>    RC bug against it to keep it in Sid.
>  - I could close the RC bug on libbam-dev, allowing it to migrate in Testing.
> This is actually the solution I would favor, because I think I over-reacted
> when opening this bug, but I would prefer to have your green light before.

Probably it's better to downgrade the bug than to close it altogether.



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