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Bug#573187: transition: mpi-defaults

Manuel Prinz <manuel@debian.org> writes:
> Am Mittwoch, den 17.03.2010, 13:24 +0100 schrieb Lucas Nussbaum:
>> On 17/03/10 at 09:49 +0100, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>>> I would propose that all (or at least) most of these bugs should be
>>> fixed before we actually do the switch in unstable. Manuel, does that
>>> seem OK to you? 
>> Erm. I'm very reluctant to filing bugs that can't easily be reproduced
>> in unstable. At this point, you need a custom mpi-defaults package to
>> reproduce them. Also, it is possible that some of them will not be
>> fixable before the new mpi-defaults is in unstable (= you can't upload a
>> fixed package that works if the new mpi-defaults isn't in unstable).
> I'm with Lucas here. If we file the bugs before the upload, we should be
> very explicit about the fact that it does not concern unstable yet. As a
> compromise, we could prepare patches, upload mpi-defaults and file the
> bugs with the respective patches. (Or most of them, did not check how
> complex the changes are.)

That would be great. The point is that transitions suck most once they
are half-started and preparing as much as possible helps to keep the
sucking phase short.

> This would enable to fix these in a timely fashion. I could start
> doing that tomorrow night. How does that sound to you?

Sounds good. Sorry for my delayed answer :-/

> As for user-tagging, we can use the old-mpi-eol usertag.

Sounds good, though I don't know for which user - feel free to use

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