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Bug#617272: python3-defaults uploaded

python3-defaults is uploaded.

Some of the binNMUs need to wait until after distribute is updated, so you 
might as well wait for that for all of them (not that there are a lot).

The current binNMU list is:

gearman-interface	 python3-gearman.libgearman
jinja2	 python3-jinja2/-dbg
lxml	 python3-lxml/-dbg
py-postgresql	 python3-postgresql
python-bsddb3	 python3-bsddb3/-dbg
python-drizzle	 python3-drizzle/-dbg
pyyaml	 python3-yaml/-dbg
sip4	 python3-sip/-dbg/-dev
mod-wsgi libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
markupsafe python3-markupsafe/-dbg

Not on the list:

python-apt	 python3-apt  - Needs sourceful upload to fix #619528
boost1.46 libboost-mpi-python1.46.1 - Will need rebuild, but doesn't correctly 
declare python3 runtime dependencies, so will need upload (filed as #620775)
pycxx  python3-cxx - Python3 support broken, will do a QA upload.

Other issues:

blender hard codes python3.1-dev as a build-dep and python3.1 as a dependency.  
Currently investigating how best to solve this, so but not yet filed.  This 
doesn't directly affect the python3 transition, only python3.1 removal.

Scott K

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