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Bug#709687: transition: ptlib, opal

On 2013-06-07 18:53, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
On Fri, 2013-06-07 at 18:48 +0100, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
The packages haven't transitioned yet because the last binNMU for
h323plus only finished building a few hours ago and the old libraries
haven't been decrufted yet. It's in hand... :)

And then I noticed that openam hasn't been rebuilt yet because it
doesn't actually build-depend on ptlib but gets its runtime dependency
transitively via h323plus; I've just scheduled binNMUs.

A quick update:

All of the binNMUs in unstable were successful, and the old packages were decrufted. The new packages migrated this morning, but the transition isn't quite over yet as a couple of the applications still need to migrate. t38modem just isn't quite old enough, which is easily resolved, but ekiga is affected by #698627 - please could one of the maintainers either verify that the bug does not affect the 4.0 packages and add an appropriate fixed version, or fix the bug in that series?



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