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Bug#827160: jessie-pu: package dosfstools/3.0.27-1+deb8u1

[Adam D. Barratt]
> The version in unstable has:
>     if (month < 0) {
>         /* make sure that nothing bad happens if the month bits were zero */
>         month = 0;
>     }
> which seems like a more minimal-style change than the assert. Could we
> have an updated debdiff including that change, please?

You misunderstand.  My proposed patch for jessie do not use the
assert().  I used the assert() to make sure the bug was present, as I
could not get it to crash with a negative month value.  It was only used
in test code.

The changes I propose for Jessie can be seen via
<URL: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/dosfstools.git/log/?h=debian/jessie >.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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