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Bug#831447: firefox-branding-iceweasel 0.4.0 MIGRATED to testing

On 18/07/16 17:57, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> [Why is this CCed to quite so many places / people?]

Sponsor, reviewer, related package maintainers...

> A debdiff between two versions of the package is not that helpful to
> convince anyone that the new version should be added to stable, given
> that no version is currently in stable.

I'm aware of that. ;)

> As a more general note, adding packages to stable is something that's
> done very sparingly and at least this SRM would need more convincing
> that it should be done - rather than, say, using jessie-backports - than
> "it's important".

I understand that and I don't intend to make such a request regularly.
It's because the package is part of the follow-up UX work of
firefox-esr's migration into jessie, targeted at a significant portion
of general stable Debian users. (I'm sorry for the delay) People who
don't use backports have got firefox-esr. Quite a few users seem
confused. This is important for consistency and usability.

With this in stable, we can say to anyone who wants to keep Iceweasel:
"Run this command:
sudo apt-get install xul-ext-iceweasel-branding"

Without bothering about backports. It is just a rare exception.

Quote (from 815006@bugs.debian.org and
pkg-mozilla-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org lists):

On 15/06/16 14:06, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> the "bug" is introduce with a stable-release-update, and should be fixed
> with another s-p-u

Thank you for the reply.


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