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Re: Porter roll call for Debian Stretch

On 2016-08-17 22:05 +0200, niels@thykier.net wrote:

> Like last release, we are doing a roll call for porters of all release
> architectures.  If you are an active porter behind one of the [release
> architectures] for the entire lifetime of Debian Stretch (est. end of
> 2020), please respond with a signed email containing the following
> before Friday, the 9th of September:
>  * Which architectures are you committing to be an active porter for?

arm64, armhf, (and armel in maintenance mode).

>  * Please describe recent relevant porter contributions.

arm64 bootstrap, much initial package porting, bugreps and NMUs. 
arm64 buildd admin. Backup onsite admin for build machines at ARM site.
multiarch, bootstrapping, cross-building and cross-toolchain work.

>  * Are you running/using Debian testing or sid on said port(s)?

yes, but not on main daily usage machines due to criminal lack of
dogfooding at ARM meaning no-one makes suitable hardware yet. One

>  * Are you testing/patching d-i for the port(s)?

Yes, regularly, as I get hardware to test.

>  * If we were to enable -fPIE/-pie by default in GCC-6, should that change
>    also apply to this port? [0]

This is probably not well-tested on arm64, but it should work fine,
with some (believed-to-be-small) performance cost, so defaulting to it
seems sensible.

I understand that the performance penalty on armhf/armel is
significantly larger. Some testing to see whether it is a reasonable
tradeoff would be a good idea.

I am a DD

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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