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Bug#940595: transition: hypre

On 2019-10-30 15:21, Drew Parsons wrote:

hypre 2.18.1 is now ready in experimental.

I've implemented the common libhypre option with shlibs patch-version
dependency. If this approach proves problematic in practice then we
can switch back to version-based library package names afterwards if
we need to.

I've confirmed petsc and sundials build successfully.

Let's do this transition.

p.s. for bonus lols, I just checked and yes, 2.18.2 has just been released...

So yes, the unversioned libhypre package name is certainly the option that will preserve the greatest sanity (I'll proceed directly with 2.18.2 once you give the thumbs up).

(they're releasing unusually rapidly lately. Previously there have been less than 2 releases each year).

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