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Re: [Pkg-rust-maintainers] rust ecosystem worries of a release team member

On 2/3/20 2:57 PM, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Hi,
> Am 03.02.20 um 13:08 schrieb Sylvestre Ledru:
> ...
>> I have been told that the transition of one of the build-dep is blocked by packages blocked in NEW...
>> Not sure which one.
> this is more or less what I mean, we should get clearance about the root
> of problems.

Hi Carsten,

I also talked to elbrus on MiniDebCamp in Brussels. He explained to me
some details about the migration process I didn't understand before.
This will help us to identify the cause of some blockers by looking up
the information in the britney log.

As far as I could trace it, this leads to the packages listed in

Most of the times when I take a detailed look on why it doesn't migrate,
it leads to one of the few packages that currently are in NEW. I don't
have the time right now to include it in this mail, but if desired I
will assemble the list of required packages that are currently in NEW as
soon as I find the time (hopefully tomorrow). A special case is the
rust-compiler-builtins source package that has been rejected by NEW
before due to unclear license information.

https://ftp-master.debian.org/new/rust-compiler-builtins_0.1.23-1.html says:
> See discussion:
> https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-builtins/issues/307
> https://github.com/rust-lang/libm/issues/215

There is another issue that might need to be resolved that affects
mips[64]el, which is present in rustc (#950583) or possibly one of its
deps) surfacing in one of our crate packages (#950337). Due to that we
might be keeping versions in mips[64]el testing that block upgrades.
This can be seen in the rust transition tracker
https://release.debian.org/transitions/html/rust.html where a whole lot
of packages can not be built in mips[64]el due to this directly or
transitively depending on the affected package.

>> We already started a discussion with the Debian release management team to simplify the acceptation of
>> packages already existing in the archive but with a new binary coming.

That is good to hear and would facilitate the procedure of updating
existing crates significantly.


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