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Re: Bug#989863: debian-installer: Firmware problems in bullseye

Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org> (2021-07-28):
> Cyril Brulebois <kibi@debian.org> (2021-07-26):
> > Given Paul's ACK, I'll turn this into a bug report against the
> > installation guide, with a slightly better draft.
> This is my next action.

That was tracked (even if shortly) in #991627, installation-guide was
uploaded to unstable, migrated to testing, and sync'd (automatically
apparently) to the website, as can be seen on those pages:

> I'll retest “for real” once packages are in the archive, once I've
> triggered a new d-i daily build, and once debian-cd has spinned another
> firmware-enabled netinst daily build, but besides a possible typo here
> or there, I think I'm out of obvious issues that need fixing!

All that looked good, so we went ahead and started official builds
 1. linux & util-linux migration;
 2. d-i upload + migration + dak copy-installer.

A few hours ago, I described both installations using the tentative
firmware-enabled amd64 image for D-I Bullseye RC 3 as “uneventful”.

Which is what we aim for!

> Besides some builds (hw-detect, cdrom-detect, linux) and some final
> tests (then migration to testing), I think we have all the pieces for
> D-I Bullseye RC 3.

I'm waiting a little so that others on #debian-cd can report back as
well, but it looks like we're almost ready to publish RC 3.

On the firmware front still: I've opened #991771 to keep track of a
slightly different use case (main-only image + manually providing
firmware on extra storage), which doesn't look like it's overly
user-friendly (not much guidance in the installation guide at first
glance) or well-maintained. Definitely not a blocker for Bullseye, it'll
be a bonus if we can improve support for this use case later.

Cyril Brulebois (kibi@debian.org)            <https://debamax.com/>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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